I am so glad that you have come to visit. I do hope that you stay a while and visit the pages that I have spent many long, and might I add wearisome, nights learning to use and apply Java Scripts. I have used many different applications to create, hopefully, a beautiful and enjoyable site. I have to say that my toughest page was my Homepage. I am no expert at talking about myself so I will let the pages speak for themselves. I have far too many hobbies to list but, I will tell you this, I love to be creative. Please be patient as the pages load. I assure you that the wait will be well worth it.
"Song playing is "Endless Love"
I have provided links and credits to those that I can recall. If anyone finds that I have something on my pages that I have not provided properly for please e-mail me and I will surely take action immediately to add a link, give credits or remove ones that should not be used.
Thank You!
Marriage, As A Choice, Requires Choices
Marriage, as a choice, requires choices.
One must choose not once, but every day.
Life offers us a hundred thousand voices,
Yet those we fail to hear fast fade away.
I choose you with all my wounded heart:
You and our three children. All the rest
Lies in the distance, charming, but apart
From the circle of the ones with whom I'm blessed.
Our marriage isn't easy, but our love
Is still the force that shapes my daily life.
I want us to be happy, and will move
Wherever I must be to be your wife.
I'm yours, and I want you to be mine.
We'll find a way our wishes to combine.`Author Nicholas Gordon`
" modified by Wuzzels "
Please run your mouse slowly across photo
" I dedicate this poem to my husband of 28 years "
This Year Has Been A Special Mountain
For me my love this year has been a special mountain,Incandescent in its sunlit peak.
Revisiting it's rich, eventful days of our past.
Now so full of love, is one more gift from you.
There is no darkness on our lovely mountain,
As the mist fills my eyes with just one single tear of
joy and happiness I gaze upon my life from this peak.
Nothing I could have imagined matches these days
that we've spent together.
Needing, wanting, loving, and having you in my life
has truly fulfilled my greatest of dreams
To love and to be loved.
In earlier years I thought of this mountain,
Visioning the vista from it's peak.
Each thought was there, even in those days:
Ripples in the darkness without you.
So shall I love you on this yearly mountain
As I cast a quick glance backward from it's peak,
Recalling the long innocence of days
Yearning for what I now have in you.
~Author Nicholas Gordon~
" modified by Wuzzels "
I would like to take a few moments to thank all my
beloved family and friends for there inspiration's and deep
encouragement over these long and weary nights as I worked on
these pages, for if it had not been for them I would had given up
long before this. I want to express my love and gratitude to
you all.
First to my husband who got me the computer in the first place.
And for teaching me to use and apply Java Scripts,
"Thank you Sweetheart"
To my dear friend Mary who believed in me all the way, and
gave to me many ideas when I would have a designer blockage.
To my dear friend Lee Ann who helped me to believe
once again that miracles can happen.
To My cousin Marilyn who put up with a lot of annoying
e-mail as I learned how to just apply animations and
backgrounds on them.
Who would of ever thought I would be doing this?
To my dear friend Carlene who always believed
this would happen,
To Linda, Thank you for everything that words can not express.
To my children for all the hours that you couldn't reach
me on the phone, cause I was on the Web surfing for graphics.
Thank you all for all your support and faith in me.
Remember I love you all.
"Love one another and you shall always be filled with riches."
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